Selasa, 08 Desember 2015





How to cook a fucking steak?
Jambu Jamaica.
Come on can do it.. .say it....say it....say it....ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS! We are not at war with Muslims but rather Islamic Extremists! (Ike Thaler)
You can say whatever you want but we can only believe in the action you do (Lulu Ratna).
Ebook Tutorial WordPress Pemula Part 2
Cara pakai dasi.
Tentang STNK.
Model kandang. Luar negeri.nek mbok menowo nambah ilmu bisa di contoh cara kreatifnya.
Tryco Dewan Hasibuan... Film ini dibuat sequelnya. Smoga sehebat yang pertama. Choose Your Life, Choose Your The Future. Perfect Day.
Mati Gak Pakek Helm (Ganjar Prastya).
Muhammad Husin Fadillah... Showreel 2015 by Three Lens
Kurniawan Todi... Creative Films.
Astrid Wulandari Hutabarat.

Tuhan. Apa salahku? Seperti ada yang janggal dalam hidup ini.
Tunjukkan jika memang ada yang kurang dari diri ini. Akan ku benahi.
Maafkan, Mungkin aku kurang bersyukur dengan karunia-Mu.
Aku bukan apa-apa tanpa bimbingan-Mu, Tuhan.
#Before40 (di Kukusan, UI / 27 November 2015)

5 refugees who changed the world.
Why is Einstein famous?
Perbedaan mirrorless dan DSLR.
The question is whether an honest assessment of the impediments to economic performance worldwide will spurpolicymakers into action. Meanwhile, technological and market forces have contributed to job polarization, with the middle-income bracket gradually deteriorating. (Need a new habit of economic growth)
Jack Ma: ‘Harvard rejected me 10 times’ (The first search in the internet is beer | Internet is Trust System | Change the world is change ourself. Change the world is Obama’s job).

Duke University.
Duke dianggap sebagai salah satu universitas paling bergengsi di dunia, sebagai pemimpin dalam bidang ilmiah, humanitas, hukum, kedokteran, pendidikan, teknik sipil dan bisnis.
Duke is also the 7th wealthiest private university in America with $11.4 billion in cash and investments in fiscal year 2014.
Duke University (Entertainment).
In 1951, a young Franklin started his travels by lecturing at the Salzburg Seminar in American Studies. The seminar was an exchange for American scholars to share their country's history and culture with Europe. Franklin went on to visit more than 30 countries in his lifetime, Gartrell said.
Eddie, a native of Yogyakarta, where he founded the Fourcolour Films community that later became a production house.
Syrian refugee cooks for German homeless to 'give something back'

Gedung Buruk The Movie Soundtrack.
Bollahu Akbar.
Rahman Belida.
Ikatan Bidan Indonesia Ranting Gelumbang.
Cerita Satu Menit.
A Copy of My Mind Trailer.
Festival Sinema Prancis 2015 akan digelar di sembilan kota di Indonesia, yaitu Jakarta, Bandung, Denpasar, Malang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan, Makassar dan Balikpapan pada 3-6 Desember 2015.
Film Promotion.

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