Kamis, 01 Januari 2015

Mr. Pip : a New Zealand independent Movie with million dollars

Mr. Pip (2012) wikipedia
He begins reading the Charles Dickens novel "Great Expectations", which transfixes a young girl named Matilda (Xzannjah).

Mr. Pip (2012) poster wikipedia
When they needed hope
He gave them great expectation

Mr. Pip Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Hugh Laurie Movie HD

Mr. Pip (2012) Andrew Adamson

Mr. Pip (2006) is a novel by Lloyd Jones, a New Zealand author.

Mr. Pip (Bougainville Island)

Mr. Pip Distribution
New Zealand, Australia, South Africa

Mr. Pip introduce about language... Tok Pisin.

Mr. Pip (New Zealand Film Commission)
The New Zealand Film Commission is a crown entity working to grow the New Zealand film industry. Their statutory responsibility is to encourage, participate and assist in the making, promotion, distribution and exhibition of films made in New Zealand.

Mr. Pip Tomatometer

Mr. Pip Million Dollar Box office
Congratulations to the Mr Pip team on the film taking more than a million dollars at the NZ box office.

Mr. Pip (Kiwi film industry pipped by tax lures)
"It's doing very poorly at the moment. I have a lot of friends who are having to leave the country. The choice for the Government right now is whether they want a film industry or not."
economic incentives

Mr. Pip Distributor
Ster Kinekor

Mr. Pip
Olympus Pictures
Daydream Production
Eyeworks Film
Eyeworks New Zealand
Shaw Organization Singapore
Dominion Pictures

(Mr. Pip) My Perception Synopsis from Trailer...
Kisahnya tentang seorang guru bernama Tom Watts.
Watts mengajar di sebuah pulau bernama Bougainville, Papua Nugini.
Cara mengajar Watts beda, dia mengajar anak-anak itu tentang novel Charles Dickens, “Great Expectations”.
Inilah yang membuat seorang remaja bernama Matilda terinspirasi.
Ini juga yang menyebabkan muncul istilah “Mr. Pip”.
Siapa “Mr. Pip”?

Pip adalah nickname dari Philip Pirrip, protagonis di novel Dickens.
Pip adalah yatim piatu.
Waktu kecil, Pip bermimpi jadi pandai besi.
Saat remaja, dia ingin menjadi “lelaki sejati” (gentleman).
Pip adalah figur lelaki idaman Matilda saat dia dewasa nanti (Kira-kira).

Datanglah kemudian gerombolan pemberontak.
Mereka merusak kampung tempat Matilda tinggal.
Mereka mencari, dimana “PIP”?
Mereka mengira PIP adalah biang kerok yang meracuni pikiran penduduk.
Mereka hendak membunuh PIP.
Tapi PIP tidak ada.

PIP hanya tokoh fiksi (dari novel) yang diceritakan kembali oleh Guru Watts.
Kisah ini seperti sebuah kalimat...

“When fiction figure makes Rebel confusing.”

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