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#MyToday Senin, 6 April 2015
Week de Chine : un mannequin de 79 ans fait le buzz
Baby transport (wikipedia)
Pram (Google Image)
Perlengkapan Bayi 1 Set (1.100.000)
Pliko Ranger PK-298 (700.000)
Pliko Boston
Stroller Kereta Dorong Balita Roda 3 (675.000)
Pliko Adventure
108 (429.999)
Pliko Buggy Winner
PK-106 (404.000)
Pliko Adventure 108 (399.000)
#MyToday Selasa, 7 April 2015
Ternyata... Aku
rindu "bermimpi" lagi, setelah rasa percaya diriku habis ditelan
"kata". – Wurry Parluten
Dunia perpustakaan.
Isuzu Panther (wikipedia)
Isuzu Indonesia
Isuzu Panther
Grand Touring (Rp.293.600.000)
Isuzu Panther LS (Rp.271.100.000)
Isuzu Panther LV (Rp.246.000.000)
Isuzu Panther
Smart (Rp.237.500.000)
#MyToday Rabu, 8 April 2015
When the Imperial Japanese Army occupied the
Philippines in 1941 they found an
old Bantam Mk II Jeep and
promptly sent it to Japan. The Japanese military authorities ordered Toyota to
make a similar vehicle but to change the appearance. The resulting Model AK
prototype led to the Yon-Shiki Kogata Kamotsu-Sha (type 4 compact cargo-truck).
The AK10 an early Toyota 4x4
1951 — The Toyota "Jeep" BJ
prototype was developed in January 1951. This came from the demand for military-type utility vehicles, much like
the British Land Rover Series 1 that appeared in 1948.
Land Cruiser Model BJ
The Toyota J40 is the
model designation for a Toyota
Land Cruiser 40 series made from 1960 until 1984 (in Brazil, where it was known
as the Toyota Bandeirante, it was made from 1968 until 2001).
Toyota Land Cruiser (J40)
Toyota Rilis Generasi Baru Hardtop di Indonesia
(24 September 2012)
Toyota FJ Cruiser (website)
Toyota Land Cruiser adalah mobil off-road Serbaguna atau Sport Utility
Vehicle / SUV yang dibuat oleh Toyota Motor Corporation dari tahun 1951 sampai
The Toyota Land Cruiser
(Japanese: トヨタ ランドクルーザー Toyota Rando-kurūzā?) is a series of four-wheel drive
vehicles produced by the Japanese car maker Toyota. It is Toyota's longest
running series.
#MyToday Kamis, 9 April 2015
The Movie...
Haunted (Angker)
Bambang Gunawan... Kominfo bikin animasi loh (DIGIRO)
Bambi Bambang Gunawan... Seperti apa cerita yang keren?
Blend Rock... FILARTC
Film and Art Celebration @ TIM Taman Ismail Marzuki
Dedi Alfiandri
Allison... Which step have you reached today?
Dimas Jayadinekat...
Jangan Jadi Mentimun Bungkuk
Indah Miracelova...
Bersama Bpk Kadis Puspenum di
Puspen Mabes TNI, meeting persiapan TV TNI
Juliadi Azwan...
Kepak-kepak sayap garuda
Rohman Gumilar... Telah berpulang ke Rahmatullah komedian senior Hj. Nuri Sarinuri
alias Mpok
Nori pagi ini Jum'at 3 April 2015 pkl 08:10 wib di RS Pasar Rebo Jakarta
Wurry Parluten... Sedap,
emang pendahulu kita jago ngegombal, ya?
Semua kenangan dari 9 April...
#MyToday Jum’at, 10 April 2015 – #MyToday Senin, 13 April 2015
Josef Donnie (Test skill 2 : Vivaldi style with echo and delay)
Priambodo... Sekembalinya ke Jakarta, Indra ternyata sudah alih profesi secara drastis. Dari wartawan menjadi
Bambi Bambang Gunawan... Seperti apa menulis cerita yang keren?
(versi Pixar)
Chandra Godzilaa... Desa
Seni Indonesia
Dina Pertiwi Ws (101
Tas Untuk sahabat)
Guru Bangsa: Tjokroaminoto...
Di Tengah Riuhnya Negeri
Haeru Nasri Heru... Gulai Peros
& iwa tunu sambal
Tak Ada Kartosoewiryo dan Tan Malaka dalam Biopic ini?
List of Indonesian Movie 2015 (March) | Bioskop
Lita Mareyke
(Komunitas Penulis Skenario dan Sutradara Indonesia)
Yuk! Sajikan Mitos Gunung Kelud, Cinta dan Kuliner Jakarta
Tong Cheuk Fung
(Wasabi Creation)
#MyToday Selasa, 14 April 2015
Just Connect
to 21 Cineplex
Sneak previews were created in the 1930s to help determine "success
and failure factors" of a film, while modern sneak previews
provide additional publicity and word-of-mouth exposure for the movie.
Wurry Parluten... Tepat 81 bulan
yang lalu kita memulai cerita di kampung halamanku. Ternyata, kemajuanmu lebih
pesat ketimbang aku. Thanks!
#MyToday Rabu, 15 April 2015
Adrian Jonathan Pasaribu... Tentang tulisan "Film
ini durasinya cukup lama, nyaris
3 jam sehingga bagi muslim yang mau nonton juga mesti mencari jam yang tepat
supaya nggak nabrak pelaksanaan sholat 5 waktu."
Gen-set is... A machine used to generate electricity.
Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto Website
Sebuah pertanyaan untuk hari Rabu... http://t.co/SLTKPXitwm
— Luten (@Jenderal_Luten) 14 April 2015
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