Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Dream Interpretation (Ibn Khaldun)

#MyToday Senin, 16 Februari 2015
Hidupku, seperti mimpi yang tak berkesudahan. Ingin ini, ingin itu, mau ini, mau itu, sampai akhirnya diam dan berkesimpulan... Aku nggak mau apa-apa. Lantas keinginan itu muncul lagi, seakan tidak menerima kenyataan yang ada di depan mata. Kadang juga bingung, apakah sesuatu di depan mata itu disebut dengan "nyata"? Soalnya dipandang "indah" belum tentu di dalam hatinya sama, begitu juga sebaliknya. Lalu sebenarnya apa yang disebut dengan "realistis" itu? Hmmm...

358 km (Sebuah Sinopsis)
A Sachet of Dream (Jiffest 2007)
Antara Jakarta ke Jakarta (youtube) (Testing Embed Generator)
Bagaimana ‪#‎grunge bicara tentang sebuah isu?
Celebrity House Picture (Clint Eastwood)
Fiqh Al Muamalat
General Educational Development
Ibn Khaldun (Dream Interpretation)
Islam Economy focus on...
1) Norm (Quran and Hadits),
2) Taxes,
3) Loan.
"Its all about DEEP WEB." - Wurry Parluten
“Jujur saja, ini terinspirasi dari Om Akhmad Sekhu Full. Berbekal pengalaman 2 bulan menelusuri trailer film berbagai negara (via google), saya mencoba buat rangkuman ini. Saya sadar betul, bahwa apa yang kami (bersama Meidy Ahmad SSn) lakukan ini bukanlah sesuatu yang luar biasa, bahkan kami merangkak dengan tersendat-sendat agar ‪#‎framemagz tetap hidup. Inilah temuan saya. Penemuan yang bermula dari pertanyaan... Bagaimana orang luar negeri mencari tahu tentang perkembangan film Indonesia di Tahun 2015? Semoga setiap bulan saya masih bisa melakukan ini, sampai 2015 ini berakhir.” - Wurry Parluten
List of Conspiracy Theories
Luxury, wealth, necessity.
Makan bareng Imi (editan Uyi)
Makan bareng Imi (editanku)
“My Best Friend Obama” – Wurry Parluten
“Setelah mendengar gosip tentang search engine dari PENTAGON, dini hari ini saya cek keyword PRESIDENT HACKER, melihat perbandingan google searching. Catatan, ini semacam pertanda dimulainya keramaian Pemilu di Amrik. Google+ bahkan mengidentifikasi koneksi PEARL JAM di Happy President's Day 16 Februari kemaren.” –
Rational Wiki
“Riba is Usury” – Wurry Parluten
Saya rasa, keduanya (Khaldun dan Smith) punya keunikan masing-masing.
“Time Magazine” – Wurry Parluten
Tipe darahku B (Luten on Twitter)
Wurry Parluten... Pagi yg seru ketika saya sadar dan tertawa tentang kegagalan. Seru karena coba menghitung secara matematis, bahkan untuk angka yang se-realistis mungkin. Lega karena saya menerima kondisi ini, satu2nya jalan ya berbenah. Mulai kembali merancang hidup, dan lagi2 secara matematis. Yang logis2 saja, mungkin itulah kesimpulannya.
Wurry Parluten  (‎KeywordMan)
Wurry Parluten : Curriculum Vitae (Jumat, 07 November 2014)
Wurry Parluten’s  “Rest in Peace Shaun The Sheep” (2012)
Wurry Parluten & Vivian Idris
Wurry Parluten... Setelah ‪#‎ReformMovement dan ‪#‎RadicalMovement, mungkin yang lebih pas untuk kondisi sekarang adalah... ‪#‎innovationMovement.
Wurry Parluten... Flanel, adalah atribut yang aku kenal via musik #grunge. Semangat musik ini juga aku bawa pada saat bicara dengan Ketua DPR RI (zaman itu). Thanks to Om Dedi Setiadi, Bang Oim Ibrams, Kak Haeru Nasri Heru.
Wurry Parluten... Apa arti tahun 1999 buat saya?
Wurry Parluten... Universitas Sriwijaya

#MyToday Selasa, 17 Februari 2015
1001 Tiket Film Indonesia mempunyai 4 tampilan baru.
Ari Kinoysan Wulandari... Semakin kau berbuat baik, semakin terasa belum berbuat kebaikan.
Edwin Amran Gani... Teguh Karya - SECANGKIR KOPI PAHIT, sebuah film mewakili pandangan Teguh tentang arus urbanisasi yang tidak sejalan dengan kebijaksanaan ekonomi negara yang tidak berimbang antara pusat dan daerah.
Film Anak Magelang... Terlepas dari itu semua, paling tidak saya sudah mencoba dan jadi tahu, bahwa secara tidak langsung social media sudah membantu kita. Namun memang ada efek negatif yang saya pribadi suka rasakan.
Hiza Ro... Kobutri Jalur 17 #jogja #1997 #memory #vehicle #romantika
Ipong Widjaya ...jika pada suatu waktu kita mencelakai seseorang, maka suatu saat yang akan datang, kita pasti akan dicelakai org... Itulah karma. Yang berlaku dikehidupan ini... Tebarkan senyum, murahkan hati, dan tetaplah menanam kebajikan, agar kelak kita memanen-nya...
Ismail Basbeth... Today is the day. A family drama, Mencari Hilal. My second feature film, produced by Hanung Bramantyo, Avesina Soebli, Salman Aristo. Written by Bagus Bramanti.
Jazzy MU... Nyanyi itu kudu pake penghayatan - Jazzy Perri
Jul Fitri Wazirul Akbar... Di atas cb original
Juliadi Azwan menyukai komentar Anda: "Ay minta kaosnyo woi"
Muhammad Ricky... Don't Think Just Shot
Muhtar Bin Atmodimedjo... Ayah tak punya uang padahal Ayah menteri?
Ohm Surias St Sajatinyo... Setting Green Screen
Paknyang Kutai... COMING SOON at BIKIN maret 2015.
Ray Arief John Nayoan... My tiny portable editing suite in our tv room.
Sabirin Samad... Film nasional kok judulnya pake bahasa Inggris, biar apa yaa.
Syawal Oi... Ayayayay pangling aku.
Tino Saroengallo mengundang Anda untuk menyukai Halaman barunya, Celoteh Si Maja.
Wira Baadilla... Tangan kiri gendong salma , tangan kanan bls sms consumen yg lagi dapat tugas kantor ke kalimantan , semoga lancar ya pak proyek nya..klo sdh sampe jakarta hub saya kita survey lokasi nya.."
Yafisa Worohesti... Bukan cicak lawan buaya tapi banteng lawan buaya. Kpk kalah Ibas di krangkeng, Polri kalah BLBI kebuka. Rakyat sing anteng wae ora usah neko2.
Zul Azmi... Tontonan dan kelakuan?

#MyToday Rabu, 18 Februari 2015
Lega rasanya bisa upload foto2 tadi siang. Fotonya gak banyak, tapi dari situ aku belajar tentang anak2 dan mimpinya. Masalah "kabel data" membuat aku lebih nyaman langsung upload sehabis foto. Motretnya juga pakai tablet, karena yg aku punya hanya itu. Bukan lantaran gak pengen belajar, tapi kondisi sekarang ibarat hidup musti irit2. Yang penting masih bisa motret, jadi ilmu yang aku pelajari dulu gak ilang begitu saja.

As We May Think predicted (to some extent) many kinds of technology invented after its publication, including hypertext, personal computers, the Internet, the World Wide Web, speech recognition, and online encyclopedias such as Wikipedia: "Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready-made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified."
Edward Louis Severson
Mesin pencari Memex.
Mungkin yang dimaksud GED ini adalah, ujian persamaan SMA di Amrik. Eddie Vedder (vokalis Pearl Jam) memang putus sekolah, tapi kemudian dia mengikuti ujian persamaan SMA.
The memex (a portmanteau of "memory" and "index" or "memory" and "extender") is the name of the hypothetical proto-hypertext system that Vannevar Bush described in his 1945 The Atlantic Monthly article "As We May Think".
The Pentagon includes a five-acre (20,000 m2) central plaza, which is shaped like a pentagon and informally known as "ground zero," a nickname originating during the Cold War on the presumption that it would be targeted by the Soviet Union at the outbreak of nuclear war.

#MyToday Kamis, 19 Februari 2015
Abu Muhammad Al Jawy... Sedikit share sudut pandang berbeda ttg BG... maaf jika kurang berkenan, yg tidak setuju silahkan kemukakan opininya secara santun n tlg jgn terbawa emosi.
Ajep Rieyadhie... Sharing sinematografi with balai penelitian kehutanan palembang.
Aldi Tambangan
BARBOSA (Blender Army Boemi Sriwijaya)... Fresh Tutorial from Andrew
Cheny Poetriie Syamshuly... Internasional Plaza, Palembang.
Edwin Amran Gani... Ketika memberi, maka tangan kiri tak tahu apa yang dilakukan tangan kanan nya.
Hilmi Firdaus... Ini ibu imas guru bahasa inggris yg sering marahin ane katena sering kabur dan bu rastini yg sabar dan selalu support saya. Setelah 4 tahun giliran ane yg jadi guru bahasa inggris #karma
Hype! (1996) is a documentary directed by Doug Pray about the popularity of grunge rock in the early to mid-1990s United States.
innovation movement @imovement
Nathan Mayer Rothschild... By the time an infected abscess caused his death in 1836, his personal net worth amounted to 0.62% of British national income.
No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies is a book by the Canadian author Naomi Klein. The book comprises four sections: "No Space", "No Choice", "No Jobs", and "No Logo". The first three deal with the negative effects of brand-oriented corporate activity, while the fourth discusses various methods people have taken in order to fight back.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Social movements are a type of group action. They are large, sometimes informal, groupings of individuals or organizations which focus on specific political or social issues. In other words, they carry out, resist or undo a social change.
Sri Nurrudin... Meeting film
Tirsa Tan... Berteman dengan PJ Anggi Putri W dan Akatsuki Zozo
Wurry Parluten... Kurang spesifik kalu istilahnyo USG, karno USG cenderung bukan cuma kebidanan. Yang bener versi baso inggris yo ado kato obstetric itu.
Wurry Parluten... Pembajaknya kok tukang tambal ban, Om?
Yafisa Worohesti... Sore2 merayakan kebebasan di rumah baru sambil test vokal ..."let it goooo...let it goooo.
Yos Ayah JQ... Setting Pra Wedding

#MyToday Jum’at, 20 Februari 2015
2006 - Pearl Jam reminds people that they're still alive with a new album
Canon Indonesia.
Canon EOS-1D C
Kamera multimedia penemuan terbaru yang unggul pada pengambilan foto dan film, EOS-1D C menghadirkan film 4K dan fungsi video yang canggih seperti Canon Log Gamma ke dalam badan DSLR berperforma tinggi.
Film 4K
1080p pada 50/60fps; Canon Log Gamma
Output HDMI yang tak terkompresi pada HD Penuh 8 bit 4.2.2
18.1 MP CMOS Frame Penuh
Sistem AF 61 titik
Rentang ISO 100 – 25600
Canon EOS 1D C (Harga Kamera DSLR Full-frame Canon EOS 1D C Rp. 155.700.000)
Canon EOS 70D (Harga Baru :Rp 12.459.948)
Canon EOS 60D (Dengan mempunyai spesifikasi yang bagus, maka kamera digital ini dibanderol dengan harga Rp. 8.000.000)
Lazada cuci gudang.
Canon EOS 60D (Short Movie, “Rossie”)
The goals of Product Life Cycle management (PLM) are to reduce time to market, improve product quality, reduce prototyping costs, identify potential sales opportunities and revenue contributions, and reduce environmental impacts at end-of-life.

#MyToday Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015
‪Mempelajari sedikit tentang Ibnu Khaldun dan Adam Smith, dari sudut pandang ekonomi.
1) Yang jadi pertanyaan, kenapa Smith lebih popular ketimbang Khaldun? Jawabannya (mungkin)... Smith lebih beruntung lantaran berada di momen pas pada saat kemunculan Revolusi Industri, sementara Khaldun, dia berada di zaman kemunduran Islam,
2) Itu juga yang menyebabkan Khaldun cenderung lebis pesimis ketimbang Smith,
3) Di sisi lain, Khaldun terkoneksi secara tidak langsung dengan daerah Sisilia, yang kalo kita mendengar ini saja langsung terbayang sebuah kata, yaitu "mafia".
CATATAN... Mungkin bisa disimpulkan bahwa Khaldun lebih "intuitif" sedang Smith lebih ke "logika".
CATATAN KEDUA... Jika perbandingannya intuitif dan logika, maka, terlalu Smith juga nggak pas untuk kondisi Indonesia yang bisa dikatakan sebagai "masyarakat religius".
CATATAN KETIGA... Yang paling pas (mungkin), meramu kelebihan Smith dan Khaldun untuk aplikasi ekonomi di Indonesia.

Abu Syahidah Bin Usman... Polisi tidak berhak menilang pajak motor/mobil yang mati
Ari Kinoysan Wulandari... #‎TipsMenulis versi ‪#‎LupusTeam:
- Menulis terus setiap hari
- Punya jadwal khusus untuk menulis
- Punya tempat khusus untuk menulis
- Bikin outline
- Memecah outline jadi bab per bab
- Menemukan judul yang eyecatching
- Membuat sinopsis yang menarik
- Ada komunitas, atau temen untuk brainstorming
Edwin Gani... ‪Belajar Dari TV (Sengsara Membawa Nikmat)
Fitrah Nasution... Tanteku ulang tahun.
Futri Ayu Anggrainy... (Kuliah) ck itu lah kak,,, bln maret mulai tuton,,,, Desy Melwan baik tante.... msih di tmpt lmo kn tante???
Help me see myself, cause I can no longer tell, looking out from the inside, of the bottom of a well... ‪#‎PearlJam
Hikmat Darmawan... Bisa dipalsu juga, kan, kreditnya? Haha...tp jomblo awalnya emang dari bahasa Sunda, "jomlo". Emang udah lama dipakai (1970-an). Kata dg konotasi jelek, karena bermakna "perawan tua, akibat tak laku2".
Laura Trafton... President of @MoxyMedia & @WishlistPJ @EnchantedAcorn
“List of Indonesian Movie 2015” – Wurry Parluten (Bioskop Indonesia)
“List of Indonesian Movie 2015” – Wurry Parluten (Indonesian Film Watch)
Muntazirun Muntazar Jual Kamera
Oom Cypri... Gong xi fat chai
Santirta Martendano Aribowo... Kasian nih jagoan, korban batu akik.
Wina Aswir... "Kunci dari menjalankan bisnis adalah 'to add some extra values' pada bisnis yang kita geluti".
Yulia Hesti... Filmmaker yang gigih sekali mengembangkan perfilman di Kota Kendal dan yang mau membagikan ilmunya kepada adik-adiknya yang berjumlah puluhan orang supaya merekapun bisa menjadi sineas-sineas yang dapat membanggakan Indonesia.

#MyToday Minggu, 22 Februari 2015
Emma Georgina Rothschild... She is a member of the Rothschild banking family of England and is a trustee of the Rothschild Archive, the international centre in London for research into the history of the Rothschild family. After her marriage to Amartya Sen, she is also a member of the Sen family.
Wurry Parluten... Giginya bagus, ya? Pasta giginya apa?
“Tahun 2013 saya pernah mengangkat masalah sampah di sepanjang jalan raya Gelumbang, hari ini 21 Februari 2015 bertepatan dengan hari peduli sampah nasional, kembali menggugah kesadaran untuk peduli lingkungan...”  - Dwi Yulius Kaisal.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2015

Water (Testing Old Movie Camera)


#MyToday Senin, 9 Februari 2015
Speak Up Bela Film Indonesia (Twitter)
Speak Up Film Indonesia... Testing keyword
Speak Up Bela Film Indonesia... Testing Google.
Speak Up Indonesian Movie... Testing keyword via Google Jerman.
Water : Old Movie Camera
Water : Free Movie Editor
Water : Moviemaker download
Water : Testing youtube with “One Minute Shot”
Water : Finishing in Youtube

#MyToday Selasa, 10 Februari 2015
Ahmad Mizani... Cuma simple masking, grading sama motion tracking
Atlantic (2014) : "The movie about surfing, but..."
Cinema Minima (Twitter)
Freddy Sudiono Uwek mengundang Anda untuk menyukai Halamannya, ARVI Multimedia.
Hady Sumarna mengundang Anda untuk menyukai Halaman barunya, MoonBerries.
Masih inget, nggak? Berapa nomer induk mahasiswa-mu?
Nur Hasanah... Ulang Tahun Yan Haryadie
Time 100 (often written in all-caps as TIME 100) is an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the American world assembled by the American news magazine Time.
"Water" directed by Wurry Parluten (‎Indonesia)
Wurry Parluten... Kami orang kampung biasa.

#MyToday Rabu, 11 Februari 2015
Kuala Lumpur Eco Film Festival (October 17th-19th 2014).
Mara Karma – Resesi Dunia
master plan Giant Sea Wall untuk Jakarta
Resesi dapat mengakibatkan penurunan secara simultan pada seluruh aktivitas ekonomi seperti lapangan kerja, investasi, dan keuntungan perusahaan. Kolumnis Sidney J. Harris membedakan istilah-istilah atas dengan cara ini: "sebuah resesi adalah ketika tetanggamu kehilangan pekerjaan; depresi adalah ketika kamu yang kehilangan pekerjaan."
Resesi Dunia by ‪#‎AAN ( KD1 )
Sementara ribut soal resesi dunia
Orang hampir lupa pencipta semesta ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Sana sini resah soal resesi dunia
Padahal semua kehendak pencipta ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Seakan dunia manusia yang mengaturnya
Seakan kehidupan mereka yang mengaturnya
Sana sini resah soal resesi dunia
Padahal semua kehendak pencipta ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Jangan soal dunia dan segala macamnya
Mataharipun mudah dihancurkannya
Jangan soal dunia dan segala sombongnya
Isi lautan mudah dikeringkannya
Jawabnya kerja keras
Dan bersujud padanya
Dia TUHAN yang maha kuasa
Bukan teknologi orang-orang yang tak beriman

#MyToday Kamis, 12 Februari 2015
Firman Syah... Sampah PHK - Kisah Mengharukan Karyawan kena PHK
Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo (born 1901 in Java, Indonesia; died 1987). As a young man Muhammad Subuh who received a series of intense experiences that he believed gave him contact with a spiritual energy from a higher power. By the 1930s, he believed that it was his task to transmit this energy - which he called latihan kejiwaan (Indonesian for "spiritual exercise") - to others, but that he was not to seek people out but simply to wait for those who asked for it.
Salāt is the practice of ritualistic prayer in Islam as opposed to dua, which is the Arabic word for supplication.
The Fajr prayer (dawn prayer) is the first of the five daily prayers offered by practising Muslims.
The ẓuhr prayer (noon prayer) is the prayer after midday (but before the time for the Asr prayer.)
The Asr prayer (afternoon prayer) is the afternoon daily prayer recited by practising Muslims.
The Maghrib prayer (sunset prayer), prayed just after sunset, is the fourth of five formal daily prayers (salat) performed by practicing Muslims.
The Isha prayer (night prayer) is the night-time daily prayer recited by practising Muslims.

#MyToday Jum’at, 13 Februari 2015
#MyToday Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015
Firman Immank Syah... Kamu seorang Ayah? Kamu Pasti punya Ayah. Jangan Nangis nonton ini ya?
Firman Immank Syah... Ada Suara Happy Sukita di video ini, dengarkan dengan seksama.
"Kami minta maaf jika yang bersangkutan berbuat salah. Barangkali mempunyai kesalahan tolong dimaafkan," kata Hakim.
Ranty Yustina Dewi mengundang Anda untuk menyukai Film Bazaar by Filartc

#MyToday Minggu, 15 Februari 2015
Adobe Premiere CS3 Tutorial PDF
Dwi Yulius Kaisal... Singgah sebentar ke Galeri teman,lebih tepatnya pecinta motor tua,melihat koleksi-koleksi motor tuanya,sebelum liputan wedding Tika & Triyanto
Free Video Editor
Koko Localhero & Jimmy Pieter #FestivalFilmIndonesia2014
Muhammad Ricky... Uang bukan segalanya
mov video editor freeware download - Softonic

Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

The One Who Love You

Rabu, 11 Februari 2015

There is no formula for love

THX 1138 (1971)

THX 1138 is a 1971 science fiction film directed by George Lucas in his feature directorial debut. The film was produced by Francis Ford Coppola and written by Lucas and Walter Murch. It stars Robert Duvall and Donald Pleasence and depicts a dystopian future in which the populace is controlled through android police officers and mandatory use of drugs that suppress emotion, including sexual desire.

An android is a robot  or synthetic organism designed to look and act like a human, especially one with a body having a flesh-like resemblance.

Dystopias are often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Dystopian societies appear in many sub-genres of fiction and are often used to draw attention to real-world issues regarding society, environment, politics, economics, religion, psychology, ethics, science, and/or technology, which if unaddressed could potentially lead to such a dystopia-like condition.

Dehumanization or dehumanisation describes the denial of "humanness" to other people.

The USC program guide accompanying the film describes it as a "nightmare impression of a world in which a man is trying to escape a computerized world which constantly tracks his movements".

1138 (number)

THX 1138 (1971) - Original Trailer
THX 1138 (1/10) Movie CLIP - What's Wrong? (1971) HD
THX 1138 (2/10) Movie CLIP - Prevent Accidents (1971) HD
THX 1138 (3/10) Movie CLIP - The Confession (1971) HD
Returning from work he stops at a telephone booth–like personal Unichapel, one in a row of many, and mumbles prayers about "party" and "masses" while sitting there under the gaze of a wall portrait of a man's face, a being known as "OMM 0910". A soothing voice greets THX and offers to share his problems. OMM ends every confession with a parting salutation: "You are a true believer, blessings of the State, blessings of the masses. Work hard, increase production, prevent accidents and be happy."
THX 1138 (4/10) Movie CLIP - Mind Lock (1971) HD
THX 1138 (5/10) Movie CLIP - White Void Torture (1971) HD
THX 1138 (6/10) Movie CLIP - Medical Tests (1971) HD
THX 1138 (7/10) Movie CLIP - Under Control (1971) HD
THX 1138 (8/10) Movie CLIP - Doorway to Chaos (1971) HD
THX 1138 (9/10) Movie CLIP - Autojet Chase (1971) HD
THX 1138 (10/10) Movie CLIP - The Sun (1971) HD

The film, however, started to receive positive reviews over the years and gained critical acclaim. As of 2014, the film is rated "fresh" on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes with a score of 90% and an average rating of 7/10. The consensus reads, "George Lucas' feature debut presents a spare, bleak, dystopian future, and features evocatively minimal set design and creepy sound effects."

Selasa, 10 Februari 2015

Cinderella Man (2005)


Cinderella Man is a 2005 American drama film by Ron Howard, titled after the nickname of heavyweight boxing champion James J. Braddock and inspired by his life story.

He had lost several bouts due to chronic hand injuries and was forced to work on the docks and collect social assistance to feed his family during the Great Depression.

The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the 1930s. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. It was the longest, deepest, and most widespread depression of the 20th century.

World War I was a global war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.

The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as Black Tuesday, the Great Crash, or the Stock Market Crash of 1929, began in late October 1929 and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout. The crash signaled the beginning of the 10-year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries.

Steel production declined. Construction was sluggish. Automobile sales went down. Consumers were building up high debts because of easy credit.

World War II had a dramatic effect on many parts of the economy, and may have hastened the end of the Great Depression in the United States.

First, there are demand-driven theories, such as Keynesian economics and Institutional economists who argue that the recession was caused by underconsumption and over-investment (thereby causing an economic bubble).

Cinderella Man (1/8) Movie CLIP - Braddock Begs for Money (2005) HD
Cinderella Man (2/8) Movie CLIP - One Hell of a Goodbye (2005) HD
Cinderella Man (3/8) Movie CLIP - Braddock Beats Lasky (2005) HD
Cinderella Man (4/8) Movie CLIP - Fighting for Milk (2005) HD
Cinderella Man (5/8) Movie CLIP - Run It Again (2005) HD
Cinderella Man (6/8) Movie CLIP - The Champion of My Heart (2005) HD
Cinderella Man (7/8) Movie CLIP - Braddock vs. Baer (2005) HD

Cinderella Man (8/8) Movie CLIP - The Ending: New World Champion (2005) HD

Senin, 09 Februari 2015

The Untouchables (1987)

Image Link

The film stars Kevin Costner as government agent Eliot Ness.

The book deals with the experiences of Eliot Ness, a federal agent in the Bureau of Prohibition, as he fights crime in Chicago in the late 1920s and early 1930s with the help of a special team of agents handpicked for their incorruptibility, nicknamed the Untouchables.

Eliot Ness (April 19, 1903 – May 16, 1957) was an American Prohibition agent, famous for his efforts to enforce Prohibition in Chicago, Illinois, and the leader of a legendary team of law enforcement agents nicknamed The Untouchables.

Prohibition in the United States was a nationwide constitutional ban on the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcoholic beverages that remained in place from 1920 to 1933.

A mug shot or mugshot (an informal term for police photograph, or booking photograph), is a photographic portrait typically taken after a person is arrested.

(The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre) It resulted from the struggle — between the Irish American gang and the South Side Italian gang led by Al Capone — to take control of organized crime in Chicago.

(Irish American) Three million people separately identified as Scotch-Irish, whose ancestors were Ulster Scots who emigrated from Ireland to the United States.

Italian Americans (Italian: Italoamericani) are an ethnolinguistic group of Americans of Italian ancestry. Italian Americans are the fourth largest European ethnic group in the United States (not including American ethnicity, an ethnonym used by many in the United States; overall, Italian Americans rank seventh, behind German, Irish, African American, English, American, and Mexican American).

Nitti was later the front-man for the Chicago Outfit, the organized crime syndicate headed by Capone.

The Chicago Outfit (or simply the Outfit), also known as the Chicago Mafia or Chicago crime family, is an Italian American crime syndicate based in Chicago, Illinois. Dating back to the 1910s, it is part of the American Mafia. Originating in South Side Chicago, the Outfit rose to power in the 1920s under the control of Johnny Torrio and Al Capone, and the period was marked by bloody gang wars for distribution of illegal alcohol during Prohibition.

The Untouchables (1987) - HD trailer
The Untouchables (1/10) Movie CLIP - A Kind Word and a Gun (1987) HD
During Prohibition, Al Capone (De Niro) has nearly the whole city of Chicago under his control and supplies illegal liquor.
Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone (January 17, 1899 – January 25, 1947) was an American gangster who attained fame during the Prohibition era. His seven-year reign as crime boss ended when he was 33 years old.
The Chicago Way - The Untouchables (2/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
After his efforts fail due to corrupt policemen tipping off Capone, he has a chance meeting with incorruptible Irish-American veteran officer Jim Malone (Connery). Knowing of the system's rampant corruption and appreciating Ness's efforts to bring Capone down, Malone decides to work with Ness. To combat corruption, Malone suggests that they enlist men from the police academy who have not yet come under Capone's influence.
Batter Up - The Untouchables (3/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
The Untouchables (4/10) Movie CLIP - Malone's Methods (1987) HD
I Want Him Dead - The Untouchables (5/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
The Untouchables (6/10) Movie CLIP - You Got Nothing! (1987) HD
Knife to a Gunfight - The Untouchables (7/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
The Stairway Shootout - The Untouchables (8/10) Movie CLIP (1987) HD
The Untouchables (9/10) Movie CLIP - Nitti's Fall (1987) HD
The Untouchables (10/10) Movie CLIP - Here Endeth the Lesson (1987) HD